Dr.KID JAPAN(飯島謙一)

Our activity



Iijima will participate in a high-level meeting.




December 16 (Wed), 2020

Hosted by:Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism, Japan

Chaired by: Ministry Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism, Japan and Ministry of Construction, Vietnam

Participants :10 countries of ASEAN, Permanent Secretaries or Director General of Japan’s infrastructure-related bureaus, representatives of 26 cities of ASCN, the ASEAN secretariat, Local Governments of Japan, Japanese companies, Overseas companies, Related Organization, International Agencies, etc.

Sponsor:Japan‐ASEAN Integration Fund (JAIF) 


Dr.KID is a member of JIPAD operated by the Government of Japan.

Companies and universities with unique disaster prevention technologies have been selected as members of JIPAD.











April 12, 2020


We distributed "UNFETTER COVID", which prevents coronavirus, to staff at the checkpoints free of charge.



"UNFETTER COVID" was developed by Dr. Ken Iijima.


Location: Checkpoints from Cebu to Oslob

December 2019


We visited a few garbage disposal sites in the Philippines.

We have the technology to turn this garbage into electricity.

And we have the technology to eliminate garbage.

They are technologies that treat waste without incineration.

This technology is also introduced on the website of United Nations UNIDO.




N-ice system

代表 飯島謙一